Armenian Time

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Elder Carlson is going this week already. It went fast. I learned a lot with him. He's a great man. We've had great lessons together as well. We meet with seven people on our full days, which is great. There's still crazy gossip problems here, that I don't think will go for a long time, but I feel like things will and are improving. I love the people, especially sister Ofik and her family. She loves the missionaries so much and always says funny things that sound obsurd in English like, "I'll die for your body" or for your "spirit," and "my precious!" She's a great woman and a good example. She's the R. S. President. We're trying to teach her daughter in law, but her son is pretty inactive and is stubborn. Great people though. We are trying really hard to help the branch focus on each other's good sides and not the bad. I hope we can help them change that.

President Carter knows I was supposed to be sent here. He even said why during our zone conference. He said I am a peacemaker. I admire his faith. He won't do anything unless he knows for sure that it's the Lord's will. I hope to be able to strengthen my spiritual sensitivity. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost.

I have to go, but I love you. Have a great week.

Much love,

Elder Bruce Wainwright

Monday, November 22, 2010


I'm so glad to be able to serve with Elder Carlson. He is a great example. He doesn't want to go home because of how much he has put his heart into this work. We felt like we needed to start commending the members for their strengths, so on Sunday Elder Carlson said something good about every one of the members in his talk. It brought in the Spirit pretty fast. I know that every child of God's is prescious to him and he wants us all to be able to recieve exaltation and all that he has. It's so worth it.

I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone who has been a part of my life for being who they are. I have been blessed with great friends and with an amazing family and extended family. Grandma's, Grandpa's, cousins, aunts, uncles, and many others. I'm sure many people don't realize how big of a difference they've made in my life. We need each other so bad. I wonder how great of a place the City of Enoch must have been. It's so wonderful that every one of us has our own individualities. I'm a blessed man.

With love and gratitude,
Your son Elder Bruce Wainwright

Monday, November 15, 2010


Dear Mom,
To answer some of your questions, persecution has kind of been put into many Armenians. Armenians are very proud of their church since that's about all they have. The government doesn't like us too much, so they put up signs saying "One Nation," and then talk about how the Jehovah's Witnesses, us, and others are breaking down the country and families. Many people are either afraid of us, or just don't like us, at least by name. The one's who believe those things are usually not the ones that we want to teach, but a lot of people are afraid of what others will think. Armenians are talkers and everyone knows each others stories. That's probably why a lot of husbands don't let wives come to church as well. Fear of man. It's pretty sad.

So, I had some major changes happen this week, and I'm so excited. I got transferred to Alaverdi, the furthest north branch and the newest (2 or 3 years). I also got sent to serve with Elder Carlson for the last three weeks of his mission, which will be amazing. He was our assistant before he trained for the second time. He is a great man and an amazing missionary. I was wondering if I would ever be able to serve with him, and I feel blessed to be able to. He'll help me be a great servant and tool for the Lord. He's also excited to be able to serve with me too, which is nice. The branch is a little crazy. There's quite a bit of pride and contention, which sadly puts a bad name on the church pretty fast in a small place like this. We live in a canyon in a village called Sarahart (being interpreted it means flat mountain, like a bluff). Alaverdi is at the bottom of the valley and is slightly bigger. We usually ride a lift thing to get between the two. It's going to be hard work, but I'm excited to try and help. I feel silly for thinking our last branch was in a bad condition. We have some good people we're teaching, most of them are relatives of the members. We're working hard together, and it feels so good. It's going to be an adventure. I will also become the district leader and be training when Elder Carlson leaves, which I don't really want to think about too much. I'm excited for it, though. This will be a good place to train.

Sunday was a little sad. The members are new and know that the branch is perfect, but it's as if they can all see the slivers in their neighbors eyes and forget to pull out the mote that is in their own. I don't mean to sound negative, because there are some great people, but they need to humble themselves before they can really help each other. Every principle of the Gospel is so necessary. I hope they can learn. Elder Carlson said he has already seen improvement. He and I have an easy time teaching together. I feel like our desires are very similar. I'm sad we'll only be together for three weeks, but it'll be great. He doesn't want to go.

Well, I'm pretty happy right now. I love you.

Your son Elder Bruce Wainwright

Monday, November 8, 2010


I enjoyed this week, even if the work was a little slower than normal. I think God was trying to help me remember how blessed I am and how important this life and mission is for me. I was reading from the book Our Search for Happiness and Elder Ballard quoted the scripture in Matt 6:18-21 (I believe) that says not to treasure up things of the world, but things in heaven that will last. Then, it says "where your treasure is, there will your heart be." That led me to remember how many treasures I have in this life and that I need better treasure them up and care about them. I feel like it has been a little hard for me to bear a strong testimony to these people about the Gospel, lately, because I can forget how precious it really is. I know that without Jesus Christ and this Gospel, I am nothing and all that I do will bring me no good. However, through Christ all things will come together for my good. All the happiness and peace in my life comes because of a man who loves me more than I will ever deserve, even Jesus Christ. He loves me, which helps me want to love Him and my fellow man. I was grateful for this nice reminder and am so grateful for God's persistence in trying to help me.

None of our investigators made it to church yesterday, which was sad. We still fill like they're able to progress, however. We need help from Heavenly Father. Gayane, a less active we visited, did come, however, and was warmly welcomed. Bryce asked how the members are with missionary work, and that's hard to know, but I feel like they do pretty well. They still are new themselves and have things to learn, but for the most part they are excited to be able to share with friends they care about. It is hard because of persecution from the Armenian church, but they still do pretty good. Armenians, in many ways, are very selfless and I admire that. It does seem hard for them to share with their family members, especially wives with husbands.
Your son Elder Bruce Wainwright

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hey Mom,

Thanks for the letter, it sounds like you had a great week. How did Bryce send you salmon? We actually had salmon this week too. Elder Thylin is from Sweden, so of course he loves fish. In their schools, you can't pass a grade if you don't pass your swimming class. I guess a lot of them end up working on boats for at least some of their lives.

This week was pretty slow for work with our investigators, so we started focusing on some of the members again. There were a few houses we wanted to get into, so we decided to cook a bunch of cookies and drop them off. It was really nice, and we were invited into all of their houses. We have a few part member families in our area that we would like to work with. I feel like both families are necessary for the gospel, and the Gospel is necessary for families. I know the support that our families give makes a huge difference.

It got cold pretty fast. We're thinking about wearing coats already if it stays this cold. What's it like there?

Today we went to the zoo, which was fun. I love animals and nature so much. I miss camping. At the zoo I got to hold a snake, which was pretty neat. Animals are so beautiful and can be quite powerful.

I realized my chess skills are getting pretty good. I'll have to play Ionut again when we get back. Elder Thylin and I have been playing that lately on our down time.

Your son Elder Bruce Wainwright